Advanced Endpoint Protection Services

Cloud Endpoint Protection Services

Threat Monitoring and Response Services for Cloud Hosting

Secure Cloud Services provides advanced endpoint protection to defend your hosted systems and data, helping to you safeguard you from persistent cyber threats. When hosting your software, it is critical to harden accessways that could be used by hackers to breach your network and compromise your sensitive information. Without the right solutions and support, an intruder can sneak past basic security controls like antivirus and steal data or lock it down with ransomware.


2020 saw an unprecedented increase in remote workers in response to the pandemic - and the need for endpoint monitoring solutions has never been more important than with the rise of the hybrid workforce. End points include personal computers, workstations, servers, smartphones, tablets and IoT devices that proliferate communication nodes throughout your network. All of these are targets for cybercriminals, who develop increasingly more sophisticated techniques to gain access to them through social engineering and brute force campaigns that are designed to circumvent basic cybersecurity.


With advanced endpoint protection services, your organization can proactively monitor all of your connected devices to track down attempted intrusions and monitor for behavioral changes that could signal an internal breach. This is the best way to combat shadow IT proliferation, as each device connected to your system can present an additional point of attack for cybercriminals to exploit, making the need for a proactive security net paramount. Let SCS help you guard against the hidden threats that can compromise your network’s outer layer of defense and ensure that your ROI on your technology is preserved.

How Can Secure Cloud Services Endpoint Protection Help?

Secure Cloud Services has a Security Operations Center (SOC) that provides 24×7 monitoring and alert notifications. When a critical alert is encountered, the SOC takes action to isolate and remediate the threat. Using endpoint protection technology, the SOC can identify and confirm malicious attacks in progress, and when discovered, activate remediation procedures including scrubbing the system of any remnants of the attack such as processes or registry keys created. In more extreme cases such as ransomware, the SOC will roll back the system to restore access to the system and data.


Most successful cyber attacks can compromise data within minutes; most breaches also originate from human error or negligence. The SCS SOC provides proactive threat intelligence that scours your network for signs of potential intrusion and responds immediately to any hacker footprint uncovered. Any threat that is discovered is traced back to the origin point to discover the tools and methods uses, while follow-up forensic investigations track down any remaining malware.

Ready to Learn More About Advanced Endpoint Protection Services?

Contact Secure Cloud Services today to learn more about how advanced endpoint protection services can help safeguard your systems and data in a growing hybrid work environment.

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